Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 20 /38
An introduction to relativistic processes and the standard model of electroweak interactions

The first part of the volume is devoted to the description of scattering processes in the context of relativistic quantum ...

Lee mas
Axions : Theory, Cosmology, and Experimental Searches

Axions are peculiar hypothetical particles that could both solve the CP problem of quantum chromodynamics and at the same ...

Lee mas
Computational Many-Particle Physics

Complicated many-particle problems abound in nature and in research alike. Plasma physics, statistical physics and condensed ...

Lee mas
Cosmological Crossroads : An Advanced Course in Mathematical, Physical and String Cosmology

This book has grown out of lectures held at a summer school on cosmology, in response to an ever increasing need for an advanced ...

Lee mas
Cryogenic Particle Detection

The development of cryogenic devices for particle detection has reached a stage at which many interesting applications are ...

Lee mas
Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics

The search for dark matter in the universe has established itself as one of the most exciting and central fields of astrophysics, ...

Lee mas
Fenomeni Radioattivi : Dai nuclei alle stelle = Radioactive phenomena: From nuclei to stars

The topics covered constitute an introduction to radioactive phenomena in the strict sense with excursions, having as a starting ...

Lee mas
From Parity Violation to Hadronic Structure and more

Almost 50 years after the proposal of Lee and Young in 1956 to test the hypothesis of parity violation in weak interactions ...

Lee mas
Frontiers of Fundamental Physics

The Sixth International Symposium "Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics", Udine, Italy, 26-29 September 2004, ...

Lee mas
IFAE 2006 : Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie = Italian Meeting on High Energy Physics

This book collects the Proceedings of the Workshop ``Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie (IFAE) 2006, Pavia, 19-21 April ...

Lee mas
IFAE 2007 : Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie Italian Meeting on High Energy Physics Napoli, 11–13 April 2007

This book collects the Proceedings of the Workshop "Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie (IFAE) 2007, Napoli, 11-13 April ...

Lee mas
Inflationary Cosmology

Some 25 years after the birth of inflationary cosmology this volume sets out to provide a both authoritative and pedagogical ...

Lee mas
Learning About Particles - 50 Privileged Years

Embedded in an autobiographic framework, this book retraces vividly and in some depth the golden years of particle physics ...

Lee mas
Modern Differential Geometry in Gauge Theories

Differential geometry, in the classical sense, is developed through the theory of smooth manifolds. Modern differential geometry ...

Lee mas
Modern Differential Geometry in Gauge Theories

Differential geometry, in the classical sense, is developed through the theory of smooth manifolds. Modern differential geometry ...

Lee mas
Nishina Memorial Lectures : Creators of Modern Physics

This volume is a collection of Nishina Memorial Lectures delivered by distinguished physicists during the past 50 years at ...

Lee mas
Particle Metaphysics : A Critical Account of Subatomic Reality

The empirical successes of atomic, nuclear, and particle physics have not reduced -- and may never fully resolve -- the philosophical ...

Lee mas
Particle Physics Reference Library Volume 1: Theory and Experiments

This first volume of the handbook series contains articles on the standard model of particle physics, both from the theoretical ...

Lee mas
Particle Physics Reference Library Volume 2: Detectors for Particles and Radiation

This second book of the series deals with detectors, large experimental facilities and data handling, both for accelerator ...

Lee mas
Particle Physics Reference Library Volume 3: Accelerators and Colliders

This third volume of the handbook series deals with accelerator physics, design, technology and operations, as well as with ...

Lee mas
Total Books: 1 - 20 /38